What Happened to Singpass After Death?

Upon an individual’s death, their Singpass account is deactivated to prevent unauthorised access to personal information. This measure ensures the security and privacy of the deceased’s data.

For family members or authorised individuals seeking access to the deceased’s Central Provident Fund (CPF) information, the process varies depending on the date of death notification to the CPF Board:

  • If the CPF Board is notified on or after 1 February 2024: Eligible family members can request access to the deceased’s CPF account information via the Deceased CPF Member Dashboard using their own Singpass credentials. If they do not have Singpass, they can submit a request through the appropriate channels.
  • If the CPF Board is notified before 1 February 2024: Only individuals authorised by the deceased can view the CPF account information. Authorised persons should submit a request to access the deceased member’s CPF account details.

It’s important to note that Singpass accounts are personal and non-transferable. Therefore, family members cannot use the deceased’s Singpass credentials to access their information. Instead, they should follow the official procedures outlined by the relevant authorities to obtain necessary information or manage the deceased’s affairs.

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