How to Prepare for A Funeral Service in Singapore

Here are 5 important questions that you will need to discuss with your family before the start of the funeral service.

1. What clothing should we prepare?

Prepare a presentable set of clothing for the deceased’s final service – such as a suit/dress that he/she wore for any past event. This includes the undergarments, socks, shoes, and any other accessories.

2. Which photograph should we choose?

Decide on a couple photograph to be enlarged for the funeral service. Our funeral director can assist with any necessary photoshop editing.

3. What is the preferred religious service?

Religious service plays an important role during funerals. If there was a switch in religion during the deceased’s final days, family members must decide on the preferred religious rites for the funeral service. However, some personalize request can be arrange with us in advance.

4. Where should we conduct the burial or cremation?

For Burial, only Chua Chu Kang Cemetery Complex is available in Singapore. The area is separated into different sections based on religion and Ethnics such as the Muslim cemetery, Chinese Cemetery etc.

For cremation, there are 3 options depending on the religion. For all religions, it can be done at the Mandai Government Crematorium. Whereas for Buddhists or Taoists, it can be done at Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (also commonly known as Bright Hill Temple), or at Tze Toh Aum Temple.

5. Where should we keep the ashes?

Ashes may be stored at either government-managed columbaria, private temples, or churches. Our funeral directors can assist with purchasing a niche at the government columbaria.

How to Book for Our Services?

Do contact us at our careline +65 67423988 (24 Hours) for more information.

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