Funeral Etiquette in Singapore

We often asked ourselves questions such as what to wear, how to behave, which topics are potentially taboo, and more. There’s a lot to think about when paying your respects to the recently deceased and speaking with family members who are grieving their loss.

Today we will be discussing what is the proper etiquette when attending a funeral wake in Singapore so you are better prepared while attending one

Dress Code When Attending Funeral Wakes

When attending a funeral wake, do dress appropriately. Be neat and conservative. Understand that your attire is a mark of respect for the deceased and the bereaving family.


Depending on the deceased’s religious beliefs and customs, you may want to avoid certain colours and prints that conflict with their traditions. If you’re unsure of what these traditions are, a safe choice would be clothes that are conservative , plain and have muted colours. To be extra safe, avoid the colours red, yellow and brown – this is especially important at Chinese funerals.

Amount of Condolence Money

There is no fix amount that should be provided. After all, your mere presence being present to offer your condolence and last respect is more than sufficient.

Paying Respects and Joss Sticks

To pay your respects, you may bow in front of the altar of the deceased. While bowing, you may offer a quiet prayer, or simply speak a few words in your heart to the deceased. This is considered to be universally acceptable behaviour, regardless of religious beliefs.


Some Chinese families may burn joss sticks for their loved ones who have recently parted. If you are accustomed to using joss sticks, a member of the family (most likely one you know) will accompany you to the altar and pass you the joss sticks, allowing you to pay respects to the deceased.


If you do not wish hold joss stick due to religious reasons, simply bowing your head with respect for a few seconds will be enough.

Condolence Contributions

You may offer a cash contribution to help the bereaving family subsidise the cost of holding the funeral. In Chinese tradition, this practice is referred to as offering “white gold” or “bai jin”.


You can make your contribution after you are done paying respects to the deceased. Don’t worry about how much money to give, as this is entirely up to you. It depends on how close you are to the bereaving family and you may contribute any amount you feel comfortable giving.

What’s the Red String for?

In most funeral wakes in Singapore, you’ll see a paper plate with peanuts, melon seeds and pieces of red threads on every table. If you’ve ever wondered what this piece of string represents, it is believed to ward off any “bad luck” that you may happen to pick up when attending the funeral wake. You may take one and tie it on your finger, but do remember to dispose it before you reach home.

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